Who is soft moon rose?

"He looked at his own soul with a telescope. What seemed all irregular, he saw and showed to be beautiful constellations. And he added to the consciousness hidden worlds within worlds." -Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Hi! I’m Nairy (pronounced Nyree). I’m an artist, writer and Jungian astrologer. I’ve been immersed in the archetypal arts since childhood. I’m a solar Scorpio and Rising with a Cancer moon. I live by the ocean and find home in metaphor which I know to be the truest way to describe and understand the ineffable. I’m currently completing my first book titled, A Poet’s Dictionary, where I am ensouling the English language, word by word and offering tarot and astrology readings. I share my writing in real time at soft moon rising, my substack.

My perspective can be summed up by the axiom, as above, so below, as within, so without. This attitude invites metaphysical energy to emerge in the form that ensures its truest expression as the universe is one organism expressed in different ways according to the form its function requires. This inspires my creative and depth work in all its forms. As a student of the cosmos, I turn to the stars for symbolic truths about the inner workings of the psyche.

My first painting, ‘Rooted,’ was shown at the Mirrors of the Mind: Psychotherapist as Artist exhibit at Gus Harper Gallery and published under the same name. Rooted is a visual representation of the psychoanalytic treatment of depression.

I’ve counseled folx in one form or another for 20 years. My formal education includes a Bachelor’s in Psychology and 3 and a half years of post-graduate study in clinical psychology. I’ve completed The Centre of Psychological Astrology’s Foundation Course in Psychological Astrology, and am currently enrolled in Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology’s Diploma in Psychological Astrology.