1. As an astrologer and tarot reader, I will provide honest readings while centering compassion and grace.

  2. I will not answer questions relating to the details of other people’s lives as they’ve not consented to the reading. The readings are focused on you.

  3. I am not a licensed mental health care worker and will not answer questions relating to diagnoses, symptoms or related decisions. Additionally, I cannot answer questions about legal proceedings, medical concerns (mental and physical), financial decisions or questions best suited for attorneys and medical professionals.

  4. All readings are completely confidential except where I am told of risk of suicide, self-harm, threats of violence and elder or child abuse. I am a mandated reporter and have your safety in mind.

  5. Legally, I must inform you that Tarot/Natal Chart Readings are for entertainment purposes only. Neither reading replaces medical, legal or psychological advice. Any decisions made or actions undertaken by you are your sole responsibility. I assume no legal responsibility for any damages, losses, or other consequences of your decisions subsequent to or based on my reading. Please use your own judgment at all times.


By booking with me, you agree to the following terms:

  1. You are 18 years of age or older.

  2. Tarot PDF readings are delivered within 10 days of being ordered and astrology PDF readings are delivered within 14 days of being ordered. If it has been more than 10 or 14 days, respectively, you will receive a refund.

  3. Interviews for natal chart readings are done by phone. I will email you regarding scheduling within 48 hours of your purchase.

  4. Readings (both tarot and astrology) are meant to supplement your inner and outer work and empower you. If I feel that you are relying on my readings over your own judgment/will, I will issue you a full refund.

  5. Once you have received your reading, refunds are not available.